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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Going The Distance (2010)


I cant wait to see this movie,just take a good glance of the trailer while watching INCEPTION at cinema

Hopefully its worth to watch!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Despicable Me

Despicable Me!!
Yeah,that's the title for the new entry.Actually,I have just watch the movie at the cinema.At 1st didnt plan for it,but then got nothing to do so why not take a chance to have a nice movie to watch...he3
Well,this animation comedy is really a great movie and I would recommended it.
All the laugh and some scene from the movie can really tell us even a villain or criminal could change his heart when precious persons came into their life especially children.
What I really love about the movie is how life would be wonderful and greater if we share some laughter together.Children have some kind of energy or power(dont know how to describe precisely) that could change especially adult's behavior.

Well,for those who havent see the movie yet,plz do soo

Sunday, July 4, 2010

New Semester sudah bermula


Besok bermula laa  sesi July -November 2010 bagi pelajar-pelajar Uitm.
Selalunyer,byk laaa target yang buat untuk berjaya dalam quiz,test atau pn ujian.
Sememangnyer begitu laa every semester tetapi walaupun sedaya upaya kita mencuba
jgn sekali lupa dan alpa dengan ketentuan yg telah di tetapkan olehNya.
Seharusnye bersyukur and berusaha untuk memperbaiki kelemahan diri kerana manusia
sememangnyer melakukan kesilapan demi kesilapan.

Jadual untuk semester ckup2 pack jgk laa dan dapat saya bayangkan life dlm lab...hehehe...
Kena kuatkan semangat.2 benda yang mungkin berlaku (Penat dan Tension)
Harap-harap saya cekal menghadapi semua kerana itu hanya ujian kecil dari Allah
untuk menguatkan lagi kesabaran.

Rasa setakat itu jer dulu,slalu percaya anda tidak keseorangan walaupun dlm sedih or dlm gembira
kerana setiap perbuatan dan kelakuan kita diperhatikan olehNya,....aminn

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